Aiims kalyani booking an appointment online
Do you want to visit AIIMS Kalyani is a Multi specialty Hospital in Nadia. Getting booking is a very difficult task and people try to book throught Aiims booking number and their app but they are not able to get get due to huge demand.
Theres is two way for booking an appointment,
- Calling
- Through Aiims Official App
Aiims kalyani booking an appointment online through Calling
The phone number for booking an appointment at AIIMS Kalyani is 033 29516005. The Out-Patient Department (OPD) is open Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 1 PM, and OPD registration is available from 8 AM to 11 AM. OPD services are not available on weekends(Saturday, Sunday) or central government holidays.
Aiims kalyani booking an appointment online through App
You can also register for an appointment through the AIIMS Kalyani Swasthya app, which is available on the Google Play store. To download you can click here .
How to book appointment through App:
- Go to the Play Store and download the AIIMS Kalyani Swasthya App.
- Now install the app on your device and complete the registration process by using your Mobile number.
- Kindly open the app and click on the Booking Online Appointment.
- After that, you have to enter the patient details like Name, Age, Gender, Mobile No, Address, etc.
- Let’s select the Department according to your disease.
- Then you need to pick up the date and time when you want to visit the OPD.
- Finally, you will receive the Outdoor Ticket on your registered number.
Aiims Kalyani Address :
NH – 34 Connector,
Basantapur, Saguna
West Bengal – 741245
Aiims Kalyani Email ID :
Aiims Kalyani Contact No. :
Phone: 033 – 29516005, 033 29991581, 033 29991583, 033 29991576
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