Cheap web hosting or shared hosting, if your website is small then cheap hosting can save your money. But remember cheap hosting is generally not reliable. If you are a web developer / web designer then you should have to know who is providing cheap web hosting for your client’s domain because clients want cheap and good quality hosting with good up time and support. In this post I am going to share my experience with 5 cheap hosting providers.
If you search in google( “cheap hosting” then first 5 result will be
The above site advertise they are cheap but actually they are not cheap, for example bigrock’s cheapest linux based web hosting is Rs.89/month, but gimmick is when you purchased for 3 years otherwise its Rs.199/month same applies to godaddy.
Where to buy cheap hosting ?
Wisesolution’s packages are really damn cheap its starter package cost you Rs. 199/year . Package provides you 500MB space with 5GB bandwidth, 1 sub domain, 50 email id, Softaculous, RVsiteBuilder, MySQL/MariaDB.
Pros – Ultra cheap .
Cons – Not Reliable, Common issues at least 1 viral attack in a month, Support is worst, website loading is Slow .
hostripple’s packages are also cheap its starter package cost you Rs. 35/month . Package provides you unlimited space with 10GB bandwidth, 1 sub domain, 5 email id, Softaculous, RVsiteBuilder, 2 MySQL/MariaDB.
Pros – Free Let’s Encrypt SSL, cheap .
Cons – Not Reliable, uptime is not good, Support is worst.
xzenhosting’s packages are also cheap its starter package cost you Rs. 700/year . Package provides you 250MB space with 10GB bandwidth, 5 email id,5 sub domain, Softaculous, RVsiteBuilder, 2 MySQL / MariaDB.
Pros – Cheap & Reliable till now , Provided free website with its other packages, fast website loading.
Cons – Support is just ok.
Globehost’s packages are also damn cheap its starter package cost you Rs. 249/year . Package provides you 500MB space with 5GB bandwidth, 1 sub domain, 10 email id, Softaculous, RVsiteBuilder, 2 MySQL / MariaDB.
Pros – Cheap & not Reliable till now , PHP 7 support.
Cons – Support is not good, website load little bit slow is reliable till now …., but not cheap
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thanks sir