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Deepin 15.4.1 awesome looking distro failed in performance

Deepin 15.4.1 awesome looking distro failed in performance

Hi, I am Sanjay and today I am going to share my Deepin 15.4.1 experience. Deepin looks mind-blowing, and its has it own inhouse developed apps like System monitor, video player, Screen Recorder extra extra ….. Remember it’s my personal experience towards Deepin 15.4.1 tried on my Acer emachine 732z with 4GB of RAM. In your case result might be different.

As per distrowatch “Deepin is a Debian-based distribution (it was Ubuntu-based until version 15 released in late 2015) that aims to provide an elegant, user-friendly and reliable operating system. It does not only include the best the open source world has to offer, but it has also created its own desktop environment called DDE or Deepin Desktop Environment which is based on the Qt 5 toolkit. Deepin focuses much of its attention on intuitive design. Its home-grown applications, like ”

Short Review

Boot time : 1 minute
Average Memory Usage (After booting): 850-950MB
System Responsive : Not fluid

Pros :
1. Wifi Detected connected in first chance While Other distro require sometime Reboot
2. Looks Awesome
3. Deepin Store and Deepin Apps

Cons :
1. Some 3rd party apps not work properly like Sublime Text 2, visual code, and atom
2. Sluggish Compare to other distro
3. High Memory plus CPU Usages
4. Control central is not user friendly for me
5. Crashes sometime and screen becomes black no Key works, only solution is to restart.

Video Review Deepin 15.4.1

Conclusion :

If you face same experience like mine then go for other distro like elementaryOS, Mint, Manjaro …. , otherwise just enjoy deepin and comment your experience.

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