I recently got a project to migrate hosting of domain but client also want to migrate all their mails. Before changing Name server I have to ensure migration of email over IMAP email protocol using SSH works properly. It doesn’t matter you are using Cpanel, directadmin or anything else we need IMAP email protocol and SSH support.
Lets understand using some sample information, we have to to migrate Server 1’s email data to Server 2.
Server 1 details required :
- domain name : suppose codentricks.com, IP of Server suppose
- Email ID : [email protected]
- Password : ChangeSERVER*KJ
Now we have to create account on Server 2 with details given below and activate SSH
- domain name : codentricks.com , we need IP of Server suppose
- Email ID : [email protected]
- Password : ChangeSERVER*KJ
Now logging using SSH and run the code given below
imapsync --host1 imap.codentricks.com --user1 [email protected] --password1 'ChangeSERVER*KJ' --ssl1 --host2 --user2 [email protected] --password2 'ChangeSERVER*KJ' --ssl2 or imapsync --host1 --user1 [email protected] --password1 'ChangeSERVER*KJ' --ssl1 --host2 --user2 [email protected] --password2 'ChangeSERVER*KJ' --ssl2