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How to Use WordPress Customizer in your Theme

How to Use WordPress Customizer in your Theme

WordPress comes with a built-in theme customizer that allows to take your WordPress Theme to the next level. Using Customizer you can change your Site Title and Tagline, add Widgets to a Sidebar or Footer, create Custom Menus, change your Homepage Settings, and more with realtime view.

For example we are going to create a panel “Social Links” then can be accessible from Dashboard go Apearance->Customize. For thiswe have put the code given below in your theme’s functions.php

function theme_customize_function($wp_customize){

    'title'=>'Social Icons',
    'description'=> 'Set Social Media Url here',
    'priority'=> 100,
     'title'=>'Social Url',
     'description'=>__('Set Social Media Url here'),
        'default'=>_('Facebook Url'),
        'label'=>'Facebook Url',
        'default'=>_('Youtube Url'),
        'label'=>'Youtube Url',
        'default'=>_('Linkdin Url'),
        'label'=>'Linkedin Url',


Now if you want show it in footer, just copy the code below and paste in footer.php.

<a target="_blank" class="soc_facebook" href="<?php echo get_theme_mod('sp_social_facebook');?>" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a>
<a target="_blank" class="soc_youtube" href="<?php echo get_theme_mod('sp_social_youtube');?>" rel="nofollow">YouTube</a>
<a target="_blank" class="soc_linkedin" href="<?php echo get_theme_mod('sp_social_linkedin');?>" rel="nofollow">Linkedin</a>
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