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JavaScript Salary Calculator: Estimate Your Salary

JavaScript Salary Calculator: Estimate Your Salary, In this post we are going make simple application using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to generate a estimate salary.…

Create a simple MCQ quiz using pure Javascript

In this tutorial we are going to create a simple MCQ quiz using pure Javascript. We will use Javascript function checkAns() to all calculation. Complete…

LIC Commission Calculator Btech CSE Mini Project

LIC Agent commission calculator mini project for B tech CSE , using HTML5 and pure JavaScript we can easily complete this project . First we…

JavaScript adding two integer Computer Lab Btech CSE

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a HTML file(add.html) and add two integer using input element (num1 and num2) and submit button.…

How to Use Ajax in WordPress Booking Request Example

This post is all about how to use AJAX in WordPress . In this example we will create a booking request section that will send…

Select Removing all option enter new values using Javascript Object

Sometimes We face some problem How can i dynamically remove all options of a drop down box in javascript? How to reset Select box all…

Pure JavaScript Simple Calculator Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to learn pure  JavaScript simple Calculator Application through input text box, complete code is given below and code is…

JavaScript tutorial Simple Addition

In this tutorial we are going to learn JavaScript simple addition through input text box, complete code is given below and code is easy to…

Creating a Digital Clock using Pure Javascript

In this post we are going to  create digital clock using pure Java script and HTML5. We have use Java script’s window.load (will started on…

JavaScript data types and data structures Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to discuss JavaScript variables that can hold many data types. There are two types of JavaScript data types Primitive…