Now Students can download Hindi Version E-Text Book of West Bengal Board (WBSSE) and start studying before getting books. In this post I will try to list all books from Pre-Primary to Class IX.
Class I | मेरी पुस्तक |
Class II | मेरी पुस्तक |
Class III | हमारा गणित हमारा पर्यावरण |
CLASS IV | हमारा गणित हमारा पर्यावरण |
CLASS V | हमारा गणित हमारा पर्यावरण |
CLASS VI | गणित प्रभा हमारी पृथ्वी
परिवेश और विज्ञान अतीत और परम्परा |
CLASS VII | गणित प्रभा हमारी पृथ्वी
परिवेश और विज्ञान अतीत और परम्परा |
CLASS VIII | गणित प्रभा हमारी पृथ्वी
परिवेश और विज्ञान अतीत और परम्परा |
CLASS IX | गणित प्रकाश |
CLASS X | Bliss अंग्रेज़ी |
Book Source : WBSED.GOV.IN (Website Closed)
It’s really helpful for West Bengal Hindi Medium Students, please also provide some study materials …
Thanks Gourav
Please upload class 9th and 10th history books in hindi version
WBSED.GOV.IN is closed now, and West bengal is only offering Bengali version ebook, I am trying hard to get Hindi version of books, Please register(its free), after login you can download books for CBSE, WBBSE …
where is 10th standard books
We are trying …. please register
Thanks for providing these books. I need books of class VII. But links to class VII books are not working they showing class VI books.
Please register, and download books of Class VII
I need 9-12 geography books in hindi medium,can u provide sir?
Sorry but West Bengal Board till now not created e book for Geography (9-12), you can try CBSE Hindi book for Geography , just compare syllabus and read those common chapters.
Plzzz send class 10
Till now we found only English Ebook for Class X, updated download link
Are West Bengal board books are available in English?
Till now, I haven’t seen English E book