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Install Bootstrap SASS, compass on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu)

Install Bootstrap SASS, compass on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu)

Installing SASS on windows / Linux (Ubuntu) and generating CSS file using Compass’s command compass watch is an easy  way to design websites. For this we have to install Ruby and its gem(like plugins) called compass but if you want to play with bootstrap then have to install gem bootstrap-sass. We can Install for windows, Mac and if you want then also Linux too, But in this tutorial I am going to show you on only windows and on ubuntu based distros(prefer latest version).

Install Bootstrap Sass, Compass on windows

First we have to install Ruby. visit download stable version like 1.93 or 2.x .


When Installing Ruby must check checkbox add ruby executables to your path, better select all. If not check you will face command line error like ruby /compass  is not recognized as internal or external command.

Now we have to compass

press win+R and run cmd command to open Terminal. Now use copy paste line one by on

gem update –system

gem install compass

gem install bootstrap-sass

First Command (gem update –system) will check if there any update available for installing games.

Second (gem install compass) will install compass

Third one (gem install compass) will install twitter famous framework Bootstrap with SASS .

compass create sanjay -r bootstrap-sass –using bootstrap

Install Bootstrap Sass, Compass on Linux (Ubuntu based distros)

Installing Ruby,Bootstrap, SASS and compass is easy on ubuntu based distros. Just couple of commands and everything install.

First Check ruby installed or not ?

Open Terminal and type

ruby -v

if ruby is installed it will show its version other wise in terminal type

sudo apt-get install ruby

sudo apt-get install compass

sudo gem install bootstrap-sass


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Prodip Samanto

Thanks Its working, right now using Ruby 2.5.x ….